Friday, June 15, 2018

A Look Into the Life of Rileys

This album is only a drop in the bucket to all the pics we have to share. I hope you enjoy. Feel free to leave a comment on the bottom of the page or if you have any questions or prayer request you'll find the form on the right side of the screen. 

Don't forget that we
Love you! 

This was one of our first days.
Cassie and Brody are putting our emptied out luggage up in the storage area.

Vocational Center. Adults will be taught skills and trades that will provide another means to support their family.

A glance off the path on the way to Nort Side.

We visit a different church each week so no one feels like we pick favorites. This church knows how to worship!

Kids enjoying the large sand toy. Wells were being dug for our island and the crew left the digging thing unattended. 

Little man in the middle is particularly special to me. We click. His sister was recently diagnosed with Sickle Cell. I love them. They have a place in my heart not easily discovered. I credit Jesus ;-)

For those of you who don't know Brody that well, this is his hungry face. About three spoon fulls & he'll be right as rain.

This Brian. For the low cost of 20 Limpere ($1) you'll get a ride across the island in his taxi. 

Alex and Zoe participating in the may pole celebration. Can you tell Alex has no idea what's going on?

Though he has been told a million times not to touch the dogs he doesn't know, he has touched every single dog that lives on the island. He hasn't been bitten yet... yet.

My favorite picture so far. Let me break it down. You first see the stunning little girl to the left. Adorable, right? In the back Zac has found two little boys to play with. What are they doing, you ask? They have found fire ants and they are trying to pick them up by the back end and get them to bite the other two boys. No mischievous little boys were harmed in the making of this photo. 
She is the most beautiful little girl in the entire world! 

She also has the most colorful attitude in the entire world. Jesus' way of balancing things out. 

I am so ridiculously proud of this young man. He has pushed himself outside of his comfort zone more than any of us. Well done son. You inspire me!

This is the Spanish school on the island. What you can't see in this picture is that the blue building in the back is all new. Previously, it was the broken down building in the front that would house the growing minds of Helene. Yet again, Jesus has provided for those He loves so dearly. 

Week one Brody tells me, "I hate this place. I want to go home. These kids are mean and I won't ever play with any of them!" This photo, and the following two, are of Brody on week 5. He now has a dozen friends and they all get along fine. What a great learning experience that God really does listen and answers his prayers!

Zac can be one of the most strong willed children I have ever met. He tests us often. I truly believe that God has made him a leader and He is in the process of refining Zac into the leader that Jesus made him to be. In between the moments of testing the fences, Zac is the sweetest most compassionate and loving person I have ever met. And that's why I think he is going to make the greatest leader the world has ever known. Love you buddy!

Doggy love or unexpected double K-9 head lock?

Pay close attention to this and the next picture. This is Schooner, like the boat. If you look closely, you will notice Schoon's tail was broken at a young age and is now kinked. This is how she earned the nickname "Paperclip". I ask her everyday if she's "holding it together". 

Next few pictures are from the Riley family's very first day in the sea... Ever. It was very special! Thank you Jesus for giving us such a memorable day! 

Beautiful Zoe, aaaaaaaand possibly a dead teenager floating in the background?

Thank you all for your prayer, love, and support! We miss you so much!


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