Mission Encounters International

Who is Mission Encounters International?
Mission Encounters International (MEI) is a non-profit, Christian organization with a passion for Encountering God, Transforming Lives, and Impacting Nations.

MEI has been an established ministry for over 15 years on the island of Helene. They operate a number of ministries that have provided profound expressions of God's love for His beautiful people on this remote Bay Island.

Clean Water Ministry

MEI provides the only clean drinking water on the island of Helene. There are other water sources, but none that have been adequately filtered.

One of the first physical investments when the founding mission started Helene, was the installation of a reverse osmosis desalination system, due to 50% infant mortality from dysentery. But after only three years, the survival rate has reached 97%.

Annually, MEI provides approximately 20,000 gallons of water to the community on Helene. MEI provides all electricity, filters, and equipment for the water plant.

Christian English School (HCES)

HCES emphasizes godly character building as well as academics under the banner of Jeremiah 29:11.

In the early years of the Helene mission, the islanders requested an English speaking school for their children, mainly because English is the primary language for Helene. The early foundations of the school, and its continued growth, were built with the partnerships of many churches and individuals with monumental efforts in construction, volunteer time, and donation of educational materials. From a first year enrollment of 25 students, HCES has continued to grow to a current annual enrollment of 105 children, for grads Pre-K through the 6th grade.

HCES originated as a missionary operated and missionary taught school, but over the past few years, as island wide community development efforts continue to succeed, all the teacher positions are now held by islanders. he school board is comprised of only islander and currently there is only one missionary teacher, Sheila Benson.

For $200 a year, you can co-sponsor a child to have a better life through education. Click the link below donate to the Christian English School.

Co-Sponsor a child enrolled at HCES HERE

Medical Clinic

MEI's full service medical clinic can handle most of the medical needs on the island of Helene whereas before, an islander would have no other choice but to take a two hour boat ride to Roatan to be seen by a clinician.
MEI, in association with Municipality of Santos Quadiolas, operated the only medical and dental clinics on Helene. We help the locals with any physical ailments, as well as provide other related medical services.
Every two weeks, they are blessed with a day visit of Honduran government supplied doctor and dentists from the neighboring island of Roatan to administer to the community needed services. The doctor is assisted by a local Helene medical trainee, who was trained by the MEI team. In addition to assisting with teh caseload during the doctor's and dentist's visits, she also manages the medical records and medical supplies.

MEI's full service medical clinic can handle most of the medical needs on the island. We are able to patch people up for most of the island's general, and sometimes, emergency medical needs, including; bruises, island diseases, fevers, stitches, diabetes, joint reductions, simple bone fracture casting, medication administration and much more. The clinic itself is very impressive, with its own full pharmacy, respiratory therapy equipment, and complete patient records.

Sadly, sometimes there are medical emergencies on the island that are too major for the clinic's abilities. When these cases arise, MEI provides emergency transportation and available medical care en route to the hospital located on the larger island of Roatan. As a result of the continual donations or loyal supporters, such as yourselves, islanders are able to receive medical tests and procedures when they cannot afford then themselves.

Discipleship Encounters (DE)

The DE is a program created to help participants have a unique encouter with God. He is working on Helene through the Islanders and with our team. Hearts and minds are changing and God is being glorified.

The DE gives participants the experience of growth both personally and spiritually. Fell free to ask the Riley family how God moved in their lives while going through the DE in the spring of 2018.The DE creates a rich environment where, through vulnerability, God challenges participants through uncomfortable but joyous teaming. They learn how to truly trust one another the way the early church trusted in the book of Acts, they learn how to have positive conflict to over come difficulties as a team and new member of the Helene community. They will learn how to hold each other Biblically accountable, and they will encounter God, experience and witness transformed lives, and be a part of His heart impact nations.

Click HERE to learn more on how you can be a part of your very own Discipleship Encounter.

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