Thursday, July 12, 2018

Greeted by T-Rex

We have been at our house in Salina only one day and the emotions are overwhelming.  Larry and Sheila Benson, Heather Willis and the Benson girls warned us of the onslaught of emotions that we may feel in coming back to the states, but I thought "surely that will not happen to us".  I figured that we would be impervious to the emotions of the transition.  HA!!  I was wrong yet again.

I couldn't identify yesterday what I was feeling.  It was brand new.  A mix of excitement, frustration, thankfulness, anxiety, tiredness etc.  I tornado of emotions.  But that is not what I want to highlight in this blog entry.  I want to highlight thankfulness.

In my humanity I tend to be negative and highlight the negative even though I do not want to.  I tend to minimize and critique.  I'm not a very wonderful person without Jesus.  Jesus is the only good in me and when I am not reflecting Him, on my own I muddy the waters.  But yesterday Jesus showed me something new.  It's something I had always been apart of, but not really on the receiving end of and I think it overwhelmed me.

I was overwhelmed with the kindness and generosity of the Lord.  We arrived at our final airport destination in Oklahoma City, greeted by the love and warmth of my parents.  They rented a vehicle, helped us load our MANY bags of luggage and they shuttled us to a hotel.  They reserved two hotel rooms just for my family of six.  In the morning, my dad treated us to The Cracker Barrel for breakfast.  My mom drove one vehicle and my husband drove the rental vehicle 4 hours back to Salina.  My mom and I talked the entire way home and when we pulled up outside of my house, I was greeted by a dinosaur (yep I said dinosaur hahaha!) and many smiling faces!

My best friend, Meadow, her husband (Levi's best friend Jeff) and their kids hugged us and told us how missed we had been.  J.J. was inside the T-Rex costume and when I came into my home it was CLEAN!  My carpet had been cleaned, our fridge had been filled, and then they unloaded all of our bags from the vehicles.  It was so overwhelming and joyous and I felt so much thankfulness.  My church is amazing and so giving and had prepared for our arrival.  Starving, my mom took us out to dinner and provided for us yet again.  My best friend, Jen, and her family arrived next.  She immediately began helping with laundry and brought ice cream to share.  My dear friend, Carrie, brought by more groceries and goodies and shared her Wedding photos with me.  You see, I missed her wedding while I was gone in Helene.  It was a beautiful day that pained me to miss, and so she shared her joy with me by showing me her photo album.  Justin, Levi's best friend, lost his dad while we were gone.  His dad died while we were in Helene and so Justin shared the video he and our friend Sheldon made, that was shown at the funeral.  Our friends filled us in on what we had missed in the 3 months we have been away.

I broke down in tears at one point because I was just so overwhelmed by emotion.  It was so much goodness poured out that I did not know what to do.  I am thankful.  Oh, so thankful.  The Lord provided in so many ways.  Everywhere I turned, Jesus revealed how He had prepared for us to return here.  My mom spent hours cleaning my van.  Justin and Bentley came over and hung out until late into the night.  He brought us our mail, and had checked on our home constantly in our absence.  Our gas tank was filled, my kids' friends arrived in droves to play with them.  It was just so much goodness.  I am so thankful for my church and friends.  So very, very thankful for the family God has given me.  I do not deserve such goodness.

My church is very much about community and being a healthy Christian community, and to be on the receiving end of the outpouring of that love was just so incredibly overwhelming and I am in awe at the reflection of Christ in the people around me.  I was not expecting such a reception.  I was not expecting anything other than to return home and start on the next step.  I am so thankful for the love and care that our family has received in our return to Salina.  It is encouraging on so many levels.  While there is much work to be done, I will be reminded of how Jesus knows and prepares for me to join Him in what He is doing and where He is at work, but that He is also doing the same for others as well.  It is humbling to receive so much love.  Perhaps that is how the islanders feel at times when goodness, that they are not used to, is poured out on them in heaps by people the Lord supplies to show His love and His glory.

I took a walk this morning after waking up at 5am to process and think about yesterday.  As I walked, I was drawn to walk down the dirt path behind my neighbor's homes.  I could have gone anywhere, and yet my feet and heart directed me to the dirt path.  It made me think of Helene, my other home.  I smiled and closed my eyes to hear all of the birds, and for a moment I was transported to Honduras in my mind.  I worried in my return to Salina, that I would lose the call upon my heart to prepare and return to Helene, but as I walked and prayed God showed me that it is okay to call both places my home.  That even though I am here, if God called me to go back there then He will provide reminders of my time in Helene so that I do not lose heart or sight of what He wants our family to be a part of. 

So I will enjoy my time here in Salina.  I am glad to be home in Salina.  I am thankful.  So very, very thankful for so very, very much.  Thankful most of all that I have a Lord and Savior that knows the needs of our family and provides through so very many different people in our life so we can do the work He is calling us to.  It's amazing to receive the outpouring of Christ's love, I pray that we are able to pour out Christ's love to many people during our time here in the States. 

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