Levi's Gifts and Skills

Levi has spent the better part of the last two decades in ministry and the last 8 years in the medical field. God's plan is perfect and, thanks to the experiences that God has given him, he has the opportunity to combine both facets together to pour out Jesus' love to his new community in Helene, Honduras.

Levi's first ministerial experience started with 12 others, including his wife, Cassie, in starting a church who's mission was to reach a spiritually primed generation with the Good News of Jesus Christ. God chose Levi, and the other church founders, to raise a church from the ground up with absolutely no experience. When God calls us to join Him it's usually the God-sized tasks that bring Him the most glory. 

Shortly after his calling to start a church, Levi joined the Revolution worship band as the worship leader. Levi has lead countless Bible studies, helped spur other, newer men, in the faith through discipleship, and help the position of youth pastor for Revolution and Crossroads church for 7 years. 
One of Levi's most memorable experiences during his pastoral ministry was the joy of baptizing his on mother. He invites you to use the "Contact the Riley Family" form on the Home page of this blog to ask him about the many joys he has been blessed with throughout his journey in ministry. 

God has asked Levi and his family to join Him in Helene, Honduras to help heal his new community physically and spiritually. Browse through their blog to learn more about how God is using them during this season of their lives. 

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