Wednesday, April 11, 2018

My Greatest Missionary Battle (so far)

As onlookers passed, beads of sweat crawled down my brow. Between passive glances of disdain and shame, from rage, I fought what literally could be called a mutant beast from the depths of a sulfuric lake of fire! 
In retrospect, it was humiliating to know there were witnesses to this very spiritual battle which threatened to end our mission journey before it even began. I was weak. I was not effective but the prayer of a righteous man avails! 
With strength from on High, after nearly 30 minutes of an onslaught of attack, after being passed (not by just one but four men able to help right the evil  before them) I finally gathered approximately 500lbs of luggage from the rental, loaded and unloaded the cart onto the sidewalk three times, Sparta kicked it into the building, and helped my wife unload it in the hotel room. 
When we are weak, He is strong! 
Goodnight friends. This missionary is going to sleep. 



  1. Praying for you Levi, for I am sure that your battles will intensify to test your faith. The enemy want to render you ineffective...but he doesnt know what a determined person you are. Love you all!

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