Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Covering of Chaos

Yesterday (4/9/18) was bittersweet. We had dinner with the two couples who God placed in our lives that became our best friends and ministry partners. We spent the last 15 years of our life experiencing the highest of highs and the lowest of lows along side these fine people. It was odd feeling gratification and sadness at the same time. Though we are sad, it is well with my soul.

Lingering feelings of parting with our friends was quickly covered with the hustle of final preparations. We woke with the joyful frenzy of completing the final tasks necessary to be ready for our departure tomorrow. Then we had the blessing of friends and family coming by to help and pray with us. Sheldon messaged me to tell me that God had told him to check in on me. I can't tell you all how grateful I was to read the words of encouragement. It was what we needed to continue the momentum. Chaos started overwhelming us and, like so many times before, Jesus was reaching into our lives to bring comfort and love. With so much still to be done, so many people to try to connect with, and the individual emotions each of us are having, we still needed a break.

Cookies and noodle bake to the rescue! My father-in-law spent his time today preparing for us to have a final dinner as a family before we left. Jesus knows exactly how to bring the peace. Though we are currently finding rest, tomorrow, and the days to come, will surely bring more chaos and emotions. Please continue to pray that we find a way to connect with Jesus. That He continues to connect with us, rather.

It's difficult to describe all the emotions that we are going through and that's okay. It's easy, however, to quote a brilliant theologian when the loss stares us in the face.

"There is going to be loss but we must remember that the gains will always be greater." 
~Alexander James Riley~

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