Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The Great White Caribbean Cowboy

His strength threatened to overtake me, as well as the woman in the red dress, and my first mate, Pamy as the slender white legs of the clinic lawn chair subtly notified us all that it no longer believed in holding an irritated mother and her protesting child upright. The chair held and found fortitude in the midst of battle but, though the chairs patience was holding, everyone else's was dangerously close to snapping. 

Earlier in the week, a 5 year old boy had fallen and “bonked” his chin hard. How hard you ask? Hard enough to knock what should have been a vertical lower front tooth completely horizontal. This mini-domino had found a comfortable new home under the lads tongue and it would stay that way if the boy had anything to say about it. His mother had brought him to me yesterday and I told him then that it would be better if he gets the tooth to come out tonight (yesterday) so I wouldn't have to pull it in the clinic the following day (today). Mom was really worried because the tike refused to eat since it happened, five days ago. I would refuse to eat too if my tongue could pad around and find the layout tragically out of order but I'm sure it had more to do with the pain.

                So there we are, under the hue of energy efficient LED lighting, on an island deep in the Caribbean, trying our best to find a diplomatic solution with an angry, scared, little someone who refuses to negotiate. No, it was not the leader of North Korea. I used all my best tricks. I bribed him with a bombom (sucker). I reasoned with him. “Listen big guy, you can do this the easy way or the hard way”. I even used topical Novocain but all to no avail.

                What my little friend with the partially relocated chic-let didn’t realize is that I’m a Kansan, born and raised. I am genetically predisposed to say “Y’all”, am drawn toward tornadoes by a mysterious electromagnetic field, and can lasso better than the average American born on either coast of the great Red, White, and Blue. So I fashioned an impeccable slipknot with dental floss, waited for juuuuuust the right moment, and when his little pie catch was agape, BAM! I had the tooth confined in the waxy little wire before he could say, “Yeeeeeee Hawwwwwww little doggie!”

                The tooth was pulled, mother was content and this ginger medicine man payed homage to every Midwestern that’s ever mounted a dazzling Appaloosa after eating apple pie while rockin back and forth on their wraparound porch, drinkin’ a cold glass of sun brew tea. MERICA!
All in the name of Jesus and for His glory!


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