Sunday, June 17, 2018

A Word From Brody


        Yes, I’m doing well. In fact, I’m doing great. I’ve been drawing and playing with my siblings. But the best part is instead of teaching them they’re teaching us. By the way… There was a time when us siblings were meeting other people on the island with Miss Brittney.
Miss Brittney is a friend on this island but now she lives in Arizona. She’s really nice. So the first part is going well when we got to look at crabs then it got awesome, when we got invited to a boat ride it was fun! After that we got to go to the beach. That was the most fun part on the walk.

Oh, I forgot to mention about Keisha. She’s Miss Brittney’s friend, and she’s def, so Miss Brittney has to do sign language. It looks really cool and it’s an action. She became my friend and my siblings best friend too.

Also, at the beach me and Zoe found beautiful shells. One of mine had pink and magenta dots inside. Zoe’s was small shells that were very shiny. Also, Zac found a squid that was struggling in the sand, so he picked up the squid and put it in the ocean. Alex said, “That’s not a squid, it’s a crab.” “No, it’s a squid!”, he said. When he said those words the squid shot ink out of himself, so Alex said, “Oh my gosh! It’s really a squid! Zac, you were right!” That was cool. Afterwards, we went to the christian english school. 

That’s pretty much it! And if you liked reading this, please leave a nice comment down below.
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Thank you 😊

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