Sunday, May 20, 2018

Glowing Green Lights of Death!

There we were, watching an action packed thrill ride of a movie as a family. It was one of the few illusive moments parents hope and pray for every minute of every day. I'm sure you would agree, speckled between the monotony of "don't do that's", "If I tell you one more time's", and "How many times have we done bed time's?!?!" there are brief blissful glimpses of peace and tranquility. FINALLY, we had a tender second as a family to simply enjoy the love of one another.

Let me set the tone a bit. Cassie romantically next to me on the couch, Zoe laying across our laps, Alex, Brody, and Zac each in their own chairs. Explosions, CGI, and a 42 inch TV under the canopy of darkness. Then...

Five feet above the Samsung flat screen, two small green orbs glowed at us as though we were being studied, neigh, judged! Maybe a quarter of an inch apart and only the size of two luminescent jade pearls, the alien eyes began to move ever so slightly in a downward path. Suddenly the movie no longer existed. Tunnel vision set in. Periphery gone.

Zoe, with equal parts terror and disbelief muttered, "UM, WHAT IS THAT?!" We didn't have to search for the source of her panic. Half of us had already spotted the tiny beast. Before she had finished the question that was now on all of our minds, each had defaulted to our standard adrenal operating protocol's.

Cassie yelled, "LEVI!" I would have thought it was my fault we were about to die or maybe she expected that I was an expert in the field of tropical micro-monsters.

Alex fought back tears. His teenage bravado was missing and I had my doubts that he would be of any help if, in fact, we were making contact with a new terrestrial being bent on missionary mind control.

Brody stayed quiet. In retrospect, he probably saw no danger and was irritated that we were interrupting his movie.

Zac, fearless as usual, was ready to kill while I immediately went to prayer asking Jesus, "Please tell me you didn't make scorpions' eyes glow too! Next you're going to tell me the lay eggs in my eyes while I sleep!!!"

They say details and memories are lost in traumatic situations so I couldn't tell you who decided to turn on the lights. But sudden and glorious revelation came without warning.

It was a lighting bug... Yep. It promptly jumped off the wall it had been descending and flew away. This technically falls into the category of culture shock.

1 comment:

  1. LOL. That was a great read. Keep em coming, Conan the Barbarian 😉🤣
