Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Lessons From The Mission Field (that you won’t get anywhere else)

The following are the top ten lessons you might only learn by living in the mission field… You’re welcome 😉

10. When burning your trash, be prepared to dodge flying pieces of shrapnel when your aerosol cans of OFF explode because your children didn’t listen and threw the empty can of bug spray in the trash can.
9. If you purchase a long brim hat to protect your delicate ginger skin, make sure it has a strap so when you are rocketing through the sea on a boat it doesn’t make friends with the fishies at the bottom of the Caribbean.
8. Disregard everything you have ever learned about the quantity of clothing items you can stuff into a washing machine. With limited water and electricity, you must acquire the skill to fit the equivalent of every last NFL players uniforms into a single load.
7. Once the sun goes down you must remember to do two very important things. One, take a bath in 100% deet and two, move your entire body in and out of the building, that you sleep in, at the speed of light, or you will wake up looking like a leper followed by days upon days of itching like you would punch a baby panda to get a fix.
6. When someone asks you if you have sow for their rash, they are asking for an unidentified medicated cream. 
5. A string tied from two holes, each in the end of a large tin can, will provide hours of entertainment for the local children (as well as your own).
4. Have you ever had a chafing rash on any one location of your body? Imagine that same rash on all BUT that one place on your body. You should stock up on sow.
3. When you wake up at 3 am to pee, you may have to fight with the scariest creature Jesus ever created. Seriously, did He really have to give scorpions pincher claws AND A FREAKY LOOKING POISON TAIL?!?! (Bonus lesson, they climb walls!!!!!!!)
2. Never EVER, under any circumstances, doo you flush toilet paper down the porcelain throne… unless you really like clearing months’ worth of dookie off your front lawn with a rake.  

And Last but not least.
Jesus will stretch you and grow you in ways that you could never imagine. Be prepared to learn the depth of His love in the most intense and intimate ways. His provision and affection is profound and He holds nothing back for those who earnestly seek Him.

Ezekiel 36:26
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. 

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