Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Dear Family, Friends, Supporters, Revolution, and Prayer Partners,

Three and a half weeks! What God is doing in our family is indescribable! There have been a lot of ups and a ton of downs. The first that comes to mind is obviously the lack of internet. A little back story on our connectivity… We found that satellite networking is available at an affordable price, if we had the funds. We had not considered this an option when fundraising, so it wasn’t in the budget. We investigated it and found that we could get a semi-reliable connection for around $300. THEN, God sent us $300+ unexpectedly. Awesome, right?! Buuuut this is not America. When we are told, “24 to 48 hours to installation” what that really meant was, “since Labor Day was the Monday after your order, it will actually be 2-3 weeks before we get around to coming to Helene and setting it all up.” But God is faithful! We do have limited access to a connection which is why you are receiving this message. Wanna hear how things have been for the Riley family?!?

Week one was arguably the biggest of our many emotional transitions. Zac was scared, Zoe tearful, Brody angry, Alex unsure, Cassie trepid, and I couldn’t help but second guess every step we took from the moment we left our home in Salina. The flights went well, minus Brody’s motion sickness. Once in Honduras, we quickly realized that everything we thought to expect was wrong. When we thought that it would be hot we were wrong, it was smotheringly hot because of the humidity. Our idea that the beautiful scenery would captivate and overcome the homesickness was far from reality. The brokenness of the land and the shambles of homes and roads distracted from the majesty of the sea and interrupted the joy of lush green landscapes. In fact, the onslaught of culture shock was so intense the first week that every single Riley felt a cool stream of tears roll down their cheeks many times over. We each cried out to God that this cup be taken. We mourned the loss of comforts and pleasantries from home. We desperately missed our loved ones. We doubted our place in this ministry.

The change from week one to week two can only be seen through the eyepiece of a microscope. It was there but, from the outside looking in, it was not visible. Each, however, faced the reality that life could be different. God took each Riley through a crisis of belief. We were emptied day after day. Some of us refused to face the question, “Do I really believe that what I believe is really real?” Others went into zombie mode only operating on autopilot while the remaining Riley’s were in panic, denial, and desperate introspection. Take heart though, the scale began to shift from survival to living well. Perhaps only a bit but it was palpable. Though it was just an incremental step towards transformation, we took it.

Week three has been the most productive in the transformation of our family. I will list what God has been doing in each of our lives but please understand that this list is miniscule. It would take years to write down an exhaustive catalog of how our King has kneaded the clay of our souls and restored our stony hearts to flesh.

Somehow, I have thrived the most since we have arrived. Jesus has moved me lightyears ahead of the stubborn man I was when I refused to discuss His call in our lives. That’s not to say that I didn’t and don’t have things to overcome, because, trust me, I DO. But I was the first to honestly consider if I could step out on the waters if He called me. I wrestled with the idea of strolling into the fire of missions and decided that whether He protects and provides I will not bow to the god of comfort and the statue of familiar. Instead, I will gladly choose the flame and If my God choses to save, AMEN. If not, I will not be ashamed of following Him where He has led my family and me.

Cassie has struggled as much as the rest of us. She faces the many crisis’s of belief that He has put before us. Her soul longs to say, “Thy will be done” while her flesh cries out for the loss of “normal”. I have watched her blossom. I wish you could all see it. I have the blessing of standing on a prayer deck and gazing into the most magnificent blue that stretches beyond my imagination. I get to feel the love of a culture that has deep struggles and scars from generations of need. Humility’s chasm is unspeakably deep, and the vastness of their love weakens me. But hear me when I say, if you could only see my wife’s heart the way I have in the last three weeks you would agree that the view of the sea and landscape is nothing compared to the beauty of Cassie’s heart and soul in this journey. It’s magnificent how much He loves her.

                The children are being transformed by Christ as well.  The kids are adapting to this new way of life.  It has been extremely challenging at times to help them transition to the extreme heat, lack of internet, “cabin fever” of spending so much time at the Clinic building, and the loss of comfort they had back home.  But the gains are beginning to outweigh the loss.  Alex met a new friend named Prentess who took time to show him more of the island.  Brody has taken to playing soccer with the kids in the field, and Zoe has enjoyed reading to the “Pond” kids on the deck most days.  Zoe and Brody are enrolled in the afternoon Christian/English School Monday thru Thursday hosted at the Clinic for the Helene kids and they are really enjoying their time in class.   Zac is the only odd one out it seems so please pray for him.  The class for his grade level is too full and his strong personality has isolated him from making good friendships yet, but we know that God will help Zac with this aspect.  Our children do have some comforts still.  Larry purchased a t.v. and dvd player and a nice indoor/outdoor living room set of two chairs, a coffee table and a couch.  It isn’t home, but it is.  It is uncomfortable, but it is good.  It’s hard to explain the balance.  Yesterday we were able to take the kids to North Side to swim in the sea for the first time and it was wonderful!  Please pray that the Lord continues to give us strength to step out and build relationships with the islanders and that the kids will find joy in this transition.  Larry and Sheila are great with the kids and have done well to include them in the “teaming” that MEI is known for. 

As of this moment, we still do not have our own internet connection. I would like to go over all that God has been doing through us, but time is limited as well as our connection. Please feel free to share this with anyone who would like to know where we are in this journey. I will be sitting down and writing to each of you individually and, if God wills it, I will be able to start setting up skype and communicating with all of you in a way that adequately expresses just how grateful we all are that you have given so much for His Kingdom by supporting us financially and through prayer. Please know that you have been in our prayers constantly. We love you and miss you all so very VERY much! Although we have great pain from being away from our friends and our family we have an overflow of joy that God has allowed us to be a part of His work. Thank you so much for loving us as beautifully as you have and do.

Oh how there is so much to tell you all and we have great pictures and stories to share.  The second we have a consistent connection I will get you all up to speed. Thank you so much for your patience!  It was never our plan to disappear and not stay connected, but we know that everything is by the will of God and it will all be worked out according to His plan. 

In Christ,
Levi and the rest of the Riley clan.

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